of the band
Andrew Grier
Shure "Uni-dyne"
Sound City 200w
Home-made, 2 x 10 cabinets (x2)

Richard Thurlow

Michael Thurlow
Epiphone Les Paul
Marshall, 100w valve
HH, 4 x 12 cabinet

Paul Butler

Clive Rust

Adrian Chamberlain
Background .....
The band was based in New
Costessey, a village close to Norwich (Norfolk, Gt. Britain).
Assembled from "School Mates" who lived in the
same area and had therefore grown up together. The
only exception was Andy (Vocals). Who lived in
Lakenham, a suburb on the other side of Norwich.
Andy was welcomed
into the band, in reply to an advert placed in the
"Local Newspaper", for a singer.
In the formative
years, practice sessions took place in the band
members homes, normally everybody and
everything, being crammed into a small bedroom (Some things never change).
However, as time progressed, practice
sessions were held in a "Function Room" adjacent
to the "White Heart" public house in Old
Costessey (now the "The Harte" of
Costessey). This was a far better location, as there
was much more space to set up the equipment and
the band "Proper". Plus, of course, not
disturbing parents and neighbors with the associated
"Noise" generated during a practice
session. The option of a "Swift Half" in
the White
Heart, was also possible after the
"Set List"
A typical example of the songs that would have been played;
Jean Genie - Bowie
Proud Mary - Credence Clearwater
Can the Can - Suzie Q
Hey Jude - Beatles
Lady Madonna - Beatles
All My Loving - Beatles
Get back - Beatles
Paper Plane - Quo
Blue -Eyed Lady - Quo
Radar Love - Golden Earring
Don't Do That - Geordie
All Right Now Free
Caroline - Quo
Ruby Tuesday - Stones
Silent City Baby - Feedback
No Time To Live - Feedback
Eleanor Rigby - Beatles
Paint It Black - Stones
Rebel Rebel - Bowie
Feedback Muddley
"The Feedback Muddley ..... we only
used for an encore, and that was only once !!!"
- Mick Thurlow
Detective work .....
Whilst writing this web-page, I had the need to contact as many of
the band members as possible, in an attempt to
acquire their own "Recollection's" of
that time, plus of course any pictures etc, that
they might have kept.
I also turned to a "Long
Time" friend, namely Graham Platt, for
additional information about the band. As Graham
and myself were associated with the band, one way
or another, and I guessed that Graham would be able to
remember some of the things that I had forgotten.
So ..... after doing some detective
work, I finally managed to locate all of the band
members. Fortunately, most of them still lived in
Norwich and/or the surrounding area, thus making
the task of finding them much easier. Alas one
band member, Adrian (Keyboards), had moved away to Bolton (Lancashire,
Gt. Britain), therefore being somewhat more difficult to
It was really good to catch up
with the lads, after a gap of some 30+ years.
Many an old story to tell
Needless to say the band members, and myself, had great delight in reminiscing
about the "Feedback" days. Many old
stories were re-told .....
..... like
when a promoter/manager
turned up to listen to the band.
A promoter/manager, was due to
come and listen to the band during one of the
weekly rehearsals. This was a set-up, and only
Andy (Vocals) was unaware of the plot. So, Graham
Platt (alias promoter/manager) turned up as
predicted, looking the part, and sat down to
listen to the band. However,
Andy quickly caught on to what was happening, when
he spotted Graham's method of
"Transport" ..... a bicycle. Who has
ever heard of a "Poor" promoter/manager,
especially one wearing "Cycle Clips" !!!
..... and a
"Shocking" story, with a lesson to
remember !
I was also reminded of a
"Sound to Light" (STL) unit that I had
constructed from a design in Practical
Electronics. I had decided to use the
"Signal" from the Bass Guitar, to
trigger the STL unit i.e. driving the STL unit
directly from the bass amplifier loudspeaker
output. There was be sufficient signal to trigger
the STL unit, and all appeared to work well .....
Sadly, during a practice
session, the STL unit went faulty, causing Paul
(Bass Guitarist) to suffer an electric shock.
Fortunately the electric shock was not serious,
but it did cause Paul to fall onto the Drum Kit,
whereby he received quite a bad a cut to his head.
A far from ideal situation, but one that could easily have been far worse !
The casework/chassis of the STL unit was
"Earthed" correctly, to the associated
13 amp mains plug via a 3-core mains lead. However the STL unit,
together with the bass amplifier, and therefore
the bass guitar, were floating at "Mains -
250v AC". In theory, when a fault
occurs, the earth of the mains supply, should
conduct the hazardous mains potential away from
the casework/chassis etc. Alas,
if the earth is disconnected somewhere, then this
doe's not happen. As was obviously the problem
Looking back ..... it could
have been an "Extension" lead fault i.e.
disconnected earth, or it could have been a fault in the house wiring.
Poor earthing, is a problem that many household
wiring systems can suffer from if not checked regularly,
especially on older properties.
Moral of the story - Always make sure that
"Earth" continuity exists between
any/all "Earthed" equipment and the
"Original" Mains Earthing Point !!!
One of my
first recordings .....
I recorded one of the
"Feedback" gig's, back on the 22nd
September 1973, in Gringleford "Youth Centre" (A
village on the outskirts of Norwich). Using my
home made FET "Hi-Fi" microphone
together with my first Akai 4000DS tape deck. The
recording was in Mono of course !
Hopefully, I
still have the original recording somewhere in my
collection. When I am lucky enough to find it,
then "Sections" from it will be available
to listen to.
That's all
for now .....
Note - This page,
is being "Up-dated" on a regular basis.