- Neumann M50, "Decca" FET type (Electronics) |
Until Stocks Are Depleted)
"Retro" Conversion

Decca recording
studios (London) converted many of their Neumann
M50 microphones
to FET circuitry. Enabling the microphones to work on standard +48v
phantom desks. It really goes without saying, these "Modified"
microphones never sounded quite like the valve originals. |
sold off much of their "Old" equipment, throughout their working
years. Therefore, there appears to be "quite a few" of these FET
microphones available on the second-hand market.
"Retro" conversion is available, which reverts the microphone
back to valve working. The conversion involves the complete rebuild of
the microphones electronics. Fitting of a new PCB, together with a full
set of components. Plus the addition of an associated power supply.
new PCB, as fitted during a "Retro" conversion |
specification of the M50, after a "Retro" conversion,
will be to the same standard, or better, then the models suffixed by the
letter c i.e. the M50c. The improvements being, slightly less
noise from the electronics and an extended bottom end response. After the
"Retro" conversion has taken place, then the Neumann M50,
is totally compatible with the original lead/power supply combination.

Price, please contact
- It should be emphasized, that any valve
microphone should only be used with it's own associated power supply. As
the power supply LT, filament voltage, should be "Calibrated"
for the microphone to be used with it, thus avoiding premature damage to
the valve filament through over heating.
a Neumann M50, after a "Retro" modification |