"Practical Research" File, of Mike
Skeet - Introduction and Index
was Mike Skeet ?
- 2015)
- Many of us will have known the name Mike
Skeet, as an equipment "Reviewer" who
gave practical information on a
product, rather than just technical facts. Not
forgetting the many interesting/fascinating
articles Mike has written in various Hi-Fi/Recording
related magazines over the past decades.
- Mike was someone who had dedicated the majority of his
life to sound recording and practical research
into microphone placement, especially that
required for surround sound. Never being totally
satisfied with "Off the shelf" units,
Mike spent much time experimenting with
his own microphone configurations. Designing and
building various microphone arrays, together with
any associated "Black Boxes", in an
effort to capture a more accurate recording
of the live performance.
checking the alignment of his Sennheiser M&S
array - Circa 2011
Index to
the papers, of Mike
Skeet's "Practical Research" file