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- The Hi-Fi Section
Hi-Fi related topics on other pages
Articles, DIY Projects,
and Reviews
from Old Hi-Fi / Recording magazines etc.
A few old,
some interesting, Instructions
& Manuals etc.
Diagrams of various equipment.
My first
steps along the road of recorded sound .....
As a young lad of about 12 years
old, my parents brought me a second-hand
"Fidelity" record
player. A typical model from the early 1960's,
consisting of a small 7" turntable with a
valve amplifier etc, fitted into a small carrying
case. After a year or so the unit no longer
worked. The amplifier had failed, but the
turntable still worked. So I experimented by
fitting a cheap Ronette
105 stereo crystal cartridge into the arm. The
later purchased from "Radiomatics" of
St.Benedicts Street in Norwich (The shop
originally started in Oak Street). The gentleman who
ran "Radiomatics" was always most
helpful and obliging, alas I never got to
know his name. So ..... feeding the cartridge output
directly into a pair of homemade headphones. The
later based around a pair of GPO type 4T receivers
(approx' 20 ohms DC) as used in 700 series
telephones, mounted in homemade fiberglass ear-cups/headphones. Well, as you would
expect, the sound quality was absolutely awful and
very quiet, but ..... , and this was the important part, it was
the first time I had ever listened to a stereo
record and something that I shall never forget.
Ronette 105
Around the same time, I was given an old Collaro
turntable, from a family member, Arthur Shopland.
The unit required a little repair work, but it was
soon up and running, alas without any of the
dreaded auto-changer facilities. The Collaro
turntable was mounted in a suitable homemade
plinth and utilized the existing Acos
GP91-1, mono
crystal cartridge (for some reason, I never
thought of using the Ronette 105 sterreo
cartridge, wired in mono - Oh well). The output from the
GP91 cartridge
was then connected to "Gram" input of my fathers pride and joy, an
old "Sobell"
valve radio receiver, type 615. This being
purchased by my father in 1948. The Sobell was a wonderful old
radio, with excellent Short wave coverage. The
output stage is based around one of the famous 6V6
type valves, together with a somewhat small output
matching transformer ..... I thought my
records sounded wonderful.
See "Colour
picture" of the Sobell receiver, type 615
(Circa 2010)
My fathers Sobell
receiver type 615
So .....
onto my own interest in Hi-Fi etc.
association between Hi-Fi and Sound Recording,
goes "Hand in Hand". This is clearly
illustrated by the
front cover of an old "Hi-Fi News",
dated September 1966.
My own interest in Hi-Fi ..... when I was about 14 years old. I remember
building a very simple "Stereo
Amplifier", alas not quite to hi-fi
standards, from a article published in "Practical
Electronics". The design was based around a
pair of Plessey SL403A pre/power amp' (3 Watt RMS) integrated
next door neighbor, Graham
Bateman, then working
for the GPO as an engineer, had already
built one of these amplifiers to the "Practical
Electronics" design, but fitted a pair of the
higher powered "Sinclair"
pre/power amp' (5 Watt RMS) integrated circuits, and I was most impressed with
it's performance.
With some guidance/assistance from Graham, I was
soon able to finish my own amplifier, again using
a pair of the Sinclair IC10 integrated circuits. My
"Homemade" loudspeakers, were based
around a
pair of the infamous EMI 13" x 8" type
drive units,
with Eagle CT10 tweeters, mounted in fairly small/inadequate cabinets.
The old Collaro turntable had all the auto-changer
facilities and existing pick-up arm removed, then
the unit was re-sprayed matt black, with brushed aluminum
trim to cover unwanted holes in the
chassis. A new plinth was constructed, together
with a Perspex lid, and the
turntable was fitted with a homemade "Gimbal"
mounted pick-up arm and a "Sonotone"
9TAHC ceramic cartridge. The pick-up arm being of
a design published in the February 1970 issue of
Hi-Fi- News. At this time, I was still studying at
Costessey Secondary Modern school. Therefore, the
pick-up arm was constructed during metalwork
classes, being used as a part of the
"Practical" work, for my Metalwork GCE
O-level exam. My completed DIY stereo system was
now ready for use.
See an "Advert"
for the Sinclair IC10 integrated circuit
Note the
classic "Telefunken" valve mic'..... close-up
Graham Bateman, and myself, visited one of the
shows of that time, namely the "Sonex
71", at Heathrow (London), I was totally
overwhelmed by the sound, and the cost, of high
quality audio equipment. As to the cost of Hi-Fi
equipment ..... some 30+ years on, and much of it
is still ridiculously as expensive, as it ever was.
No change there !
So, constructing your own
equipment, or modifying cheaper units, seemed the
ideal approach. As many of the Hi-Fi related components
are of a mechanical nature/design, there is always
the opportunity for experiment, and if you have
the ability to do so, then why not ?
Whilst "Scanning" the
"Sonex 71, Show Guide" cover, for inclusion on
this web-site, I found it quite interesting to note the
names of manufacturers/suppliers, who were around
at that time. Seeing how
many companies have survived the test of time, or
where the company has continued, but the name
may have changed. Sadly, as is inevitable, many of
the companies now cease to be in existence. Therefore,
for your own reading etc. I have included a "Scan"
(Quite Large, 410kB)
of the companies listed within the pages of the
Sonex 71 guide, together with listing's of their
new products that were on display/demonstration at
the show. I trust that you will find it
71, Show Guide
the early 1970's, I was to acquire my first "Hi-Fi
spec'" set-up. This comprised of an Armstrong 521
pre/power amplifier, together with the Armstrong
524 FM tuner and associated M8 stereo decoder
PCB. The
later being a discrete component design that
preformed very well indeed, as do nearly all of
the discrete designs. The turntable was a Goldring-Lenco
GL75/P, with it's own L75 pick-up
arm. An "Idler Wheel" driven unit, with
a continuously variable speed control, 15-18 and
30-86 R.P.M. With adjustable "Click"
stops for normal speeds. The cartridge was the Goldring G800E, being a
moving magnet deign with an elliptical stylus. I
would be listing to the system on a pair of Celestion
"Ditton 44" loudspeakers, which were
soon mounted on 6" high plinths, to help
reduce the low end colouration. All of the above
items being purchased from a local Hi-Fi shop,
namely "Martins Audio Discount" of
Norwich. At last, I was
on the first rung of the "Hi-Fi" ladder.
See the "DX-ing"
page, for interests in Long Distance VHF / FM
radio reception.
"Ditton 44" Loudspeakers - Circa 1974
The Armstrong 521
pre/power amplifier, together with the Armstrong
524 FM tuner, sounded fine, but the amplifier was
forever "Blowing" the 2 Amp HT fuses,
together with "Taking out" the AL102 Output transistors.
On a sustained Bass line, the "Pilot"
lamp would start to flicker ..... and the next
minute, "Pop". Maybe, most definitely, I was expecting too much from the unit
..... however, I always thought that fuses were fitted
to help protect the venerable components in
equipment. Sadly, in the case
of the Armstrong 521, this was obviously not so. The
"Output" transistors were "Germanium", 30 Watt TO3 types, capable of handling 6 Amps, in theory
..... I eventually replaced all four of the AL102
"Output" transistors with the excellent "Mullard" OC28
transistors, and never had anymore problems. Maybe
the "Odd" fuse would blow now and then, but that was
AL102 and OC28
"Germanium" power
Armstrong 521 was an excellent amplifier. However,
due to the amount of "Auxiliary"
equipment being used, I was
soon to run out of "Input Sockets". I felt that it was time for a
change, with the Armstrong 521
and 524 units, being sold to two of my fellow BT colleges.
My latest system would be centered around
equipment from the "Pioneer" range.
Namely that of the SA-8100
Stereo Amplifier and their "Flagship" TX-9100
Stereo Tuner. I
would also have liked the "Matching" Pioneer CTF-7171 cassette deck, but this was out of my budget at
this time. The sensitivity and selectivity of the
Pioneer TX-9100's FM section, was absolutely
wonderful, but I fear that the sound quality of the
Armstrong 524 FM tuner, with M8 stereo decoder, was far superior.
The sound of the Armstrong 521 Amplifier, also had
something that the Pioneer SA-8100 lacked. Both of the "Pioneer" units are still in
regular use to-day (2007), despite many
"Blown" panel and meter lamps on the
TX-9100 tuner.
Eventually I found a second-hand CTF-7171
cassette deck, in the late 1980's, to complete my
SA-8100 and TX-9100 - Circa 1975
I had always been impressed by the
sound from loudspeakers using the
"Transmission Line" principle, namely
the Cambridge Audio R50 design. Having first
listened to the R50 loudspeakers at a talk given
by Reg' Williamson, to the Norwich
Tape Recording Society, back in the early
1970's. A DIY design published in Hi-Fi Answers,
by Chris Rogers, enabled me to construct such a
pair of loudspeakers at a reasonable cost. The
bass (B139), mid' range (B110) and tweeter (T27)
drive units, were manufactured by KEF, whilst the
super tweeter (4001G) came from ST&C. The
latter, ST&C,
are probably better known for their ribbon and
dynamic microphones, rather than loudspeaker drive
units. The task of constructing these
loudspeakers, was awesome, with a high degree of
accuracy required in cutting the wood for the
transmission line and mid-range enclosure. It
would also be a very tedious task, what with using
over 100 wood screws in each cabinet and under
sealing all internal surfaces (some being very
difficult to access). Not forgetting, the
"Stringing up" of the various sections
of the transmission line, ready to hold the
critically weighed lambs wool, for acoustic
damping. I found out some years latter, that a
very good friend, and work colleague, namely
Peter Harradine, had also constructed the
same loudspeakers So it was interesting to
compare notes on construction problems that we had
found, and of course, how they actually sound. My
DIY transmission line speakers are still in
regular use today,
some 30 years since their construction. In all
those years, other than rewiring the drive units
to the cross-over PCB, I have only ever replaced
one of the KEF B139's, that failed by going
"Transmission Line" loudspeakers - Circa
turntable then in use, still being a Goldring-Lenco GL75/P, with a history of different cartridges.
Ranging from the "Goldring" G800E,
through to the ever popular "Shure" M75ED. In
1976, the "Lenco" L75 arm was removed,
and after some modification to the GL75 metalwork, I fitted the
ever popular SME 3009 mkII pick-up arm.
Together with a Shure V15/III moving magnet
cartridge. This was much better !
a few months, I purchased a second-hand "Garrard" 401 transcription
unit, fitted with a SME 3009 pick-up arm. I
utilized my Shure V15/III cartridge (from the
modified GL75) with the 401/SME combination.
Compared to my
GL75/SME/V15 combination, there was a loss of
something. What, I could not say, but something
seemed to have been lost in the change. I tried
various cartridges in the Garrard 401/SME 3009
combination, but I was never really that happy with
the results.
The Garrard
401, with SME 3009 pick-up arm
As impressed,
and satisfied, as I was with the homemade transmission line
loudspeakers ..... I was to be introduced to some large
"Tannoy" loudspeakers. Well, that was something
else. Maybe not so clean as the transmission line
loudspeakers, but these Tannoy "Arden's"
were absolutely enchanting. It was not too long
before I built a pair of these monsters. A ported
cabinet design, based around the Tannoy HPD385 15"
dual concentric drive unit. Once the cabinets were
constructed and the drive units fitted (prior
to finishing off the cabinets cosmetically) they were
brought in, from the workshop, for listing tests.
Sadly, I
liked the sound so much, that the loudspeakers never
got taken back to the workshop for veneering or having the grill cloths fitted.
I recall a friend,
Mike Green, calling round to have a listen to the
DIY Arden's, and his wife, Valerie, saying that the
DIY Arden's looked more like two large washing machines,
rather then
loudspeakers !
See an "Advert"
for the Tannoy "Arden" Loudspeakers
DIY Tannoy
"Arden" loudspeakers - Circa 1977
Tannoy "Arden's" were fine loudspeakers, but as time
went by, I wanted a cleaner bass
response. Currently, the Tannoy arden's were free standing in alcoves, either side
of the fireplace. Now .... if I utilized the wall's of the
alcoves, then I could build some unobtrusive, yet
large and solid enclosures. The internal volume of
the enclosures would be 2-3 times greater then
that of the original "Arden" design,
thus offering greater bass extension. I
would utilize the solid concrete floor, for the
base of the enclosure, with the sides and back,
being the existing walls around the alcove. A new,
short wall, would be required for the front of the
enclosure, constructed from "Solid" concrete building
blocks. The baffle board, for the loudspeaker
assembly, was cast in concrete, reinforced with a
steel mesh. As the drive units were quite close to
the floor, the concrete baffle boards were mounted
at an angle, to help project the sound upwards
i.e. to arrive at ear level in the listing position. The top of the enclosure, would be
constructed from paving slabs, covered with
"Veneered" chipboard shelving on the
top. These enclosures worked very well indeed and
looked quite unobtrusive
in the listing room.
of the many things that I missed, when moving to
Leicestershire, was not being able to take the
"Alcove" enclosures with me !
HPD385 drive unit, in "Alcove" enclosure
So it's
back to turntables ..... The "Modified" GL75/SME
3009 mkII was an excellent turntable, but I
fancied the idea of a
"Unipivot" arm.
1979, both myself and a college from BT, namely Tony
Milk of BMX fame, each constructed a
"Unipivot" arm
from a design published in the July 1968 issue
of Hi-Fi News. Incorporating our own
"Minimalist" design changes and
requirements. We machined the required parts
using Tony's excellent, back garden, workshop
facilities. Both his time, and use of machinery,
being very much appreciated.
combined his
"Unipivot" arm with a Decca London
cartridge and Garrard 301
I fitted my
"Unipivot" arm, complete with Shure V15/III
cartridge, onto the
"Modified" GL75, in place of the SME
3009. A
sonic improvement was immediately noticed. However, the turntable/arm coupling was far from
ideal, and when you consider how minutely small the
information on the record is, it makes sense not
to have any "Slack" in the system.
Ideally, from
the stylus tip, back through the whole system of
arm/plinth/bearing/turntable to the record
surface, there should be no "Slack/Free-Play"
call it what you will.
I still have the DIY "Unipivot"
arm (Circa 2010), alas it is in need of some cleaning
etc. Maybe a future project is required .....
DIY "Unipivot" arm
featuring a strong, yet
copper clad fibre-glass (PCB) cartridge carrier
to the second modification ..... I removed the GL75 turntable from the original
plinth, and set to cut away as much metalwork as
possible. Leaving just the bearing and motor/idler
wheel assembly behind. The base of the bearing
assembly being rigidly supported to the metal base
plate via three metal braces. Therefore not
allowing the turntable platter to rock in any
plain. This was then "Securely"
re-fitted to a solid 3" (75mm) thick
"High Density" Chipboard, Sandwiched,
plinth. Together with the
homemade unipivot arm. I had a 3/8" (10mm)
thick "Glass" platter made, and I constructed a heavy "Balanced" weight, for
clamping the record to the platter. The new
modifications helping to make a "Rigid" coupling between the
record, turntable,
arm and Shure
V15/III cartridge.
The combination worked wonderfully well, and looked
quite stylish for the time (Circa 1979).
this modification, the quality and feel of the sound,
improved greatly. The tempo of the music came across with
more feeling and emotion. You just had to tap your feet.
from a DIY view point, this was about the best
sound quality that I could extract from my V15/III
in this combination ..... or was it ?
picture (Poor Quality, but it is the only one
that I have) of GL75 / "Unipivot" arm /
Shure V15/III
motor/turntable & "Unipivot" arm /
Shure V15/III
recessed under the front edge of the plinth)
Valve amplifiers ..... the famous
name "QUAD",
derived from Quality Unit Audio - Domestic, was originally known as "The
Acoustical Manufacturing Co. Ltd" and
produced many various pieces of Hi-Fi equipment
under the "The Acoustical Manufacturing
Co." name e.g. the QA12/P pre/power
amplifier combination. The letters QA standing for
Quality Audio. The QA12/P was followed by the Quad 1
power amplifier, together with the associated QC1
pre-amplifier (Control Unit). I was given the opportunity of
trying out a "Quad 1" power amplifier,
this being the forerunner of
the famous "Quad II" power amplifier. The "Quad 1"
power amplifier sounded absolutely amazing. This was the first
valve amplifier that I had used with my speakers
and input sources. I was totally smitten by it.
Now, looking back, in
comparison to the "Quad II" power
amplifier, I feel that
the "Quad 1" was a better sounding
and "Quad 1", valve amplifiers
So, why do the Quad 1 and Quad II
"Appear" to sound so different .....
well I personally think this is due to the EF36
input/phase splitter valves used in the "Quad 1" design. I have since had
the opportunity to swap the EF86 valves, in the
Quad II power amplifier, with EF36 type valves,
together with the necessary component changes etc. The audible difference, in my opinion
"Improvement", being very noticeable and
most desirable. For some reason, the older
"Medium Sized" signal Pentode and Triode type
valves, such as the EF36, sounded far better then their modern,
"Smaller", replacements e.g. EF86. The EF36
"Appears" to give a fuller sound, with
more dynamic impact, and a grainy/edgy quality.
Both of these qualities would appear to emphasize
the separation, between the music and the silence,
far better then that when using smaller EF86 type
EF36 (upper)
EF86 (lower) type valves
I decided to
have a go at building a clone of the Quad II power
amp' design, as some of the valves in the Quad I
power amp', were that much more difficult to obtain. The
DIY version, of the Quad II valve power amplifier,
was to be used purely for "Tests" and
"Experimentation". Therefore various
"Extras" were fitted, such as the
feedback selection switch. Thus allowing instant comparisons
between "Ordinary" and
"Active" feedback options. The final
version of the DIY amplifier might not
have looked very good cosmetically, but it
satisfied all of the requirement asked of it
and sounded absolutely fine. The "Feedback" arrangement used on
the Quad design, works on a "Single"
closed loop system. Feedback is taken from a tap on
the output transformer, back to the phase splitter
stage of the amplifier. I experimented with the idea of taking the
feedback directly from the loudspeaker (crossover input)
end of the loudspeaker cables i.e. both the signal
and earth leads. Thus allowing for loss and irregularities
in the cable between the amplifier and the
loudspeaker. After a bit of fiddling around
with component values, a satisfactory result was eventually
found. The results were most impressive. The
control over the audio signal was much
"Tighter", with a really clean and solid
bass response. Together with a very
"Open" top end.
See the "Active"
feedback circuit diagram.
Original DIY
version of
"Quad II" valve power amplifier
Now knowing that it was possible to
recreate that "Quad" sound, via DIY, it was time to
build a stereo version on a single chassis. The layout
looking either like the Radford STA25 or
Stereo 20. I had always liked the looks of the
Radford, so I decided to go down that avenue of
design. Layout of the wound components, such as
the mains transformer, was critical. In an attempt
to keep "Mains Hum" to a minimum. Again, the end
results were very pleasing. The stereo
DIY amplifier was to end up using my modified
"Active" feedback arrangement, as tried
out on the mono DIY amplifier. I decided to use
the wonderful E80F, rather then using the standard
EF86 valves, for the input/phase splitter part of
the circuit. The E80F's draw more current for the
heaters, but the mains transformer used in the DIY
design, had sufficient headroom to allow for this.
The overall sound
was amazing, and when listing to recordings made
using simple microphone techniques, the depth of
the stereo image was absolutely fantastic. This
was especially true, on recordings using a single
pair of microphones, using the "Middle and
Side" technique.
"Stereo" version of the "Quad II" valve power amplifier
On the subject of valve amplifiers
….. Having been a Hi-Fi "Fanatic" for
more years then I care to remember, I have built
up a vast collection of various pieces of Hi-Fi
equipment. As space is at a premium, isn't it
always, I decided to collect smaller items of Hi-Fi
Amplifiers/Cartridges/Pick-up Arms, etc. If I were
to have collected loudspeakers and turntables etc,
then I would need to live in an Aircraft Hanger,
rather then a House. So, the majority of HI-Fi
units that I have collected are from the 1950's
and 60's, together with some early 70's units. It
seems, that once you "Acquire" a
particular piece of equipment, say a pair of QUAD 11 power
amplifiers and the associated QUAD 22 control
unit, then for some reason, you have this
compulsion to start "Collecting" other
products from the same manufacturer. This is a
sad, but very true fact, as I am sure many of us
would admit. My first piece of QUAD equipment, was
the QUAD 1 power amplifier and the associated QC1
control unit. This was quite quickly followed by a
QUAD 11 power amplifier and the Mono QC11 control
unit (as used by the BBC), together with QUAD AM and FM tuners.
In the mid' 1980's, I was
fortunate to track down a working example of the
early QA12/P (combined pre/power amplifier),
complete with the original "Invoice".
For all my efforts, I now have working examples of
almost every "Valve" based product that
QUAD manufactured through to the 1970's.
See "Index
> Quad" for pictures of the same.
Acoustical Manufacturing Co. Ltd, Huntington,
Unfortunately, collecting doesn't
stop with just one manufacturer. Now that I had
acquired the majority of QUAD valve amplifiers, I
was very enthusiastic about listening to, and
acquiring, other makes. The next amplifier that I
would purchase, was to be from "Leak"
range. This was purely due to the amount of Leak
valve equipment available on the second-hand
market at the time. My first "Leak"
amplifier would be the "Stereo 20",
together with an associated control unit. I
remember the purchase very well. I was on holiday
in Leicestershire and saw an advert in a
"Local" Newspaper. The Leak equipment
was mounted in a Record Housing
"Lowflex" Hi-Fi cabinet, together with an Ampex 750 reel-to-reel
tape deck and Garrard 301 turntable, with Decca
arm and cartridge (The Hi-Fi cabinet is still in
daily use). The whole lot cost me £60,
back in 1981. With the Hi-Fi cabinet securely tied
and strapped to the roof rack of my ancient Ford
Escort MkI, all I had to do was to get it all back
home to Norfolk, some 120 miles away. Stopping
every so often, to check that all was still safe
and secure. Note that the Hi-Fi units were safely
packed in boxes, on the back seat of my car during
the trip. Other than a few dirty contacts, all the
equipment was in perfect working order. More
"Leak" equipment was to be purchased,
and over the years I managed to build up an
interesting, though not vast, collection of Leak
"Valve" equipment.
See "Index
> Leak" for pictures of the same.
"Stereo 20" valve power amplifier
There where of course, many other
manufacturers of valve amplifiers. I was fortunate
enough to listen to a Radford STA15 amplifier, in
a very good system. This amplifier sounded superb,
with a sweet yet exciting sound. I have looked for
an STA15, even the Mono version i.e.MA15, but with
no joy. It would appear, that anybody who has
these amplifiers, wants to keep them ….. I
wonder why. Eventually I found a Radford STA25
amplifier, sounding somewhat more
"Clinical" than the STA15, but still a
very good amplifier. One of the reasons for a
difference in sound quality, could be that the
STA15 amplifier use's a "Valve"
rectifier for the HT supply, whereas the STA25
amplifier use's a "Solid State" type. I
have never been very impressed with
"Valve" audio equipment that utilises
"Solid State" rectifiers in the HT
circuit. More often than not, they appear to sound
"Gritty" or "Rougher", then
those using Valves for HT rectification.
Therefore, at some time in the future, I intend
experimenting with a "Valve" rectifier
in the STA25 amplifier, and see if that
"Sweetens" up the sound. Finally, an
"Odd Ball" in my collection is the RCA
"Orthophonic" amplifier, complete with
it's associated pre-amplifier/control unit. It
maybe an unfair statement to make, but I always
think of the RCA power amplifier, as being an
"Over sized" mutated version of the Quad
II power amplifier ….. However, the RCA looks
very smart and tidy.
RCA "Orthophonic" valve power amplifier
So ..... the QUAD 11 is a great
amplifier, but it should be remembered that the
amplifier is intended/designed for use with other
QUAD control units. Therefore, when the QUAD 11 is
used with other pre-amplifiers etc, then a few
modifications should be considered, especially in
the interests of Safety. Ideally the QUAD 11
should be fitted with a modern mains socket, such
as an IEC type, thus providing the amplifier with
it's own good/safe earth point (This also applies
to many other makes of old equipment). By
enlarging the hole used by the original "Bulgen"
type, two pin mains connector, then sufficient
space is available, to fit an IEC type socket. I
would suggest the use of screened cable, for the mains feed inside the
amplifier, to help reduce hum pick-up. The
"Rectangular" multi-way connector, used
to connect the QUAD 11 to other QUAD units, is not required when the amplifier is to be used
with pre-amplifiers from other manufacturers.
Removing the multi-way connector, and the
associated internal wiring, allows a "3-pin
Cannon" type socket to be fitted neatly in
it's place. Thus offering a good quality, reliable
connection to the outside world. Finally, the
speaker connectors can easily be up-graded to
"4mm Binding Post" types, together with
good quality "High density"
multi-thin-strand "Speaker wire" to the
output transformer connections.
See "Close-up"
picture of the modifications.
amplifier, connector modifications
back to the Hi-Fi set-up ….. The next
change was to be the turntable and arm
combination. I was currently using the "Modified"
Goldring GL75 motor/turntable and DIY "Unipivot"
arm, together with the Shure V15/III cartridge. An
excellent combination, but one that could be
improved on, or so I thought. I purchased a
Technics SL150, Direct Drive, turntable. The
associated plinth was designed to accommodate an SME 3009 arm. So,
having fitted the SME arm and an Ortofon
moving coil cartridge, together with the associated DIY
pre-amplifier, I was ready for the first listening
test. Oh dear, what a disappointment. I changed the cartridge,
back to the Shure V15/III, and alas,
I was still not very impressed. It would seem that
the "Modified" Goldring GL75
motor/turntable and DIY "Unipivot" arm,
sounded far superior than the Technics and SME combination.
SL150 and SME3009 combination
Some kind of
drastic action was required. I
decided to strip the Technics SL150 down to
component level i.e. The motor/main bearing,
with it's control PCB, and the turntable platter.
I then designed and constructed a suitable
"Floating Sub-Chassis". This would be
used to mount the motor/main
bearing and SME 3012, 12" arm. The "Floating Sub-Chassis"
constructed from a combination of 1/8" (3mm)
thick steel plates and 2" (50mm) diameter,
thick walled, steel tubing. The later item being
filled with an expanded polystyrene material, to
"Attenuate" any resonance. These components were
welded together, to form a rigid chassis for the motor
and arm combination. The turntable was given
additional mass, in the form of resin mixed with
stone-dust. Then being "Dynamically" re-balanced before use. This
additional mass, making the unit somewhat slow to
reach the correct speed, but helping to minimize
the "Hunting" effect, associated
with direct drive turntables.
of "Floating Sub-Chassis" - Circa 1979
The "Finished
Turntable/Arm Combination" was fitted with a Denon
cartridge, with a "Special" Van-de-Hul
stylus, feeding into a DIY moving coil pre-amplifier.
The later,
from a design published in the December 1979 issue
of Hi-Fi- News. The overall sound quality
was very good, but I still thought it could be
improved upon. The moving coil pre-amplifier was
powered by
a conventional transformer/bridge
rectifier/smoothing capacitor type power supply.
Alas, this was not allowing the moving coil
pre-amplifier to work to it's best. A new power supply
was built, this time with the inclusion of chokes
in the supply rail, much like that of a valve
amplifier design. The internal impedance of the
power supply was now so high, that the moving coil
pre-amplifier required a 30 second "warm-up" time.
The audible/sonic difference was stunning. The dynamics were greatly
improved, as was the imaging and depth. There was
an "Openness" and "Ease" that
was previously lacking..
See the "Moving
Coil Pre-amplifier" DIY article
SL150 and SME3012 - Circa 1980
Looking back
at the various turntable/arm/cartridge
combinations I have had the fortune to use, I now
know what my personal "Dream"
combination would be.
So ..... one
day, maybe, I will try the "Modified"
GL75 turntable and DIY unipivot arm combination,
with the Denon DL103 moving coil cartridge.
Together with the Hi-FI News "Moving
Coil" pre-amplifier and my power supply.
/ Useful ..... Various
Audio Equipment circuit diagrams