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- Archive (My own trip down the road of tape
For my interest
in HI-Fi, see "The
Hi-Fi section"
- "Hi-Fi" transistor microphone
all began back in the late 1960's, when I built a
"Hi-Fi transistor microphone", from a
design published in the November 1968 issue of
Practical Electronics. A FET type microphone
designed around the Acos
Mic 39/1 crystal microphone insert. This
microphone was to be a upgrade to the the
"Basic" Ferguson
microphone (based around the Acos
Mic 43/3 crystal mic' insert) as supplied with my
3224", 1/2 Track "Mono" valve
tape recorder, that I had received as a Christmas
present some years earlier. I was studying at
Costessey Secondary Modern school (See note) at the time, and
therefore able to build/machine the casework for the
microphone, during "Metalwork" classes
(Teacher, Mr
Ernest Parsons).
Indeed, the finished microphone being used as a part of
the "Practical" work, for my Metalwork GCE
O-level exam. I recall that the "Music"
teacher, Mrs Ina
Bullen, had noticed my interests
in music, sometime before I had. Suggesting that I should
seriously consider sitting GCE
O-level Music. Alas I never did, and as time goes
by, I regret
that I did not follow her sound advise. (Pun unintended)
the Practical Electronics "Hi-Fi" Microphone
- "Costessey Secondary Modern" school
later became Costessey High
and is now (2010) Ormiston Victory
1970's - "Norwich Tape Recording
the early 70's a good friend and school mate,
namely Graham
Platt, introduced me to the Norwich
Tape Recording Society. A local organization, run
by John Butcher, who were affiliated to the "FBTRC"
- "Federation of
British Tape Recordists and Clubs". (Due to
the demise of "Tape" based recording,
the FBTRC are now known as "BSRA"
- "British Sound Recording Association").
The society regularly had the opportunity to go
and record the excellent "Hammond"
organ, in the home of Alec Forbes-Wright. The
organist being a local piano tuner, namely Eddie
Gates. Graham and myself, would go along with our
respective tape recorders i.e. Grundig TK120 and
Ferguson 3224. We thought it was great, seeing
other members of the society with their
"Expensive" tape recorders, such as
those from Akai (M8),
Ferrograph (Series 6/7), Revox (36
series/A77) with microphones by Reslo
etc. One of the societies evenings, was a talk by
Reg' Williamson, all about the up and coming use
of "Cassette" tape/recorders for Hi-Fi
purposes. I can still remember the equipment Reg'
used for the demonstration i.e. "Cambridge
Audio" P100 Pre/Power amplifier and R50
transmission line loudspeakers, together with a
"Wharfedale" DC9 cassette deck. I was
totally taken by the cassette format and saved up
enough money to purchase a "Budget"
stereo cassette deck i.e. Ferguson
3257. It was terrible ..... why ever did I buy
it ?
3257 and home made FET "Hi-Fi"
- Making various bits and pieces
this time in my life, due to my enjoyment of Hi-Fi,
music and sound recording, I was helping a
"Local Band" of fellow ex-school mates. The band,
named "Feedback",
performed covers of popular chart material of that
time e.g. David Bowie, Fleetwood Mac, Status Quo,
The Beatles, etc. The band members knew of my
interest in electronics and I suppose that I was somewhat
like a "Roadie", making various bits and
pieces, of electronic "Goodies", for the
band to try out. Sometimes with a few
"Shocking" results along the way. I
remember recording one of the first "Feedback"
gig's, back on the 22nd
September 1973, in Gringleford "Youth Centre" (A
village on the outskirts of Norwich). Using my
home made FET "Hi-Fi" microphone
together with my first Akai 4000DS tape deck.
Whilst compiling this page, I wondered what
happened to the original recording, alas I fear
that it might have been over recorded at some
time. Maybe I'll find it one day. The
recording was in Mono of course !
Akai 4000DS
"Track Bouncing / Sound on Sound"
interests in music and recording developed from
this time onwards.. Sometime around 1973/74, I was running
something akin to a
small "Private" studio, in my home of New
Costessey, a village just on the outskirts of Norwich, in
Norfolk (Gt. Britain). Like so many enthusiasts, I started off
"Track Bouncing / Sound on Sound" and in
my case, I used a pair of
"Redundant" Hi-Fi tape machines. Both
being Akai 4000DS 1/4 track stereo units, one from
my own Hi-Fi, the other, purchased from a very
good friend, and work colleague, namely Bernard Wells.
Being 1/4 track, with a top speed of just 7 1/2
ips, the Akai 4000DS's were not the quietest
machines in the world. Having said that, they were
not so bad, they certainly enabled me to do most
jobs that I asked of them and proved to be
excellent pieces of equipment to learn on.
Set-up, Circa 1973
"Homebrew" 8-2 mixer
Then in 1975, I
upgraded to a Ferrograph "Super Seven" tape
recorder, model 7504HD. A Three Speed ,1/4 track
"Stereo" machine, with Dolby B noise reduction.
Originally to be used as my Hi-Fi tape deck.
Although the Ferrograph was in a totally different
class to my Akai 4000DS machines, they had served
me very well and gave excellent value for money. Also,
1975 was to see the purchase a pair of AKG C451E /
CK1 microphones (Still in use today) and the
construction of a very basic "Homebrew" 8-2 mixer. The later based
around the microphone pre-amps used in the
Ferrograph super seven tape recorder and the
excellent ITZA virtual earth mixing amp's,
designed by Mike
Skeet. One of the first
recordings that I made with the Ferrograph / AKG
combination, was that of a family wedding.
Set-up, Circa 1975
- We all had to
start somewhere
Recording in the
"Lounge" was not an ideal situation.
I needed a separate room for recording purposes,
so like many of us, it was to be my bedroom. So
during 1976, the room was re-decorated, creating
the required "Atmosphere" for the task
required. Monitoring via a stereo clone of the
famous "Quad II" valve power amplifier and a pair of
"Hi-Fi Answers" Transmission Line
loudspeakers (Designed by Chris' Rogers). The
later being very similar to the Cambridge Aiudio
R50 loudspeakers, offering a very
"Accurate" LF performance. Both the
amplifier and loudspeakers being home built
in 1975. Used
together with the Ferrograph 7504HD tape recorder
and Homebrew 8-2 mixer, I was now ready to record my
own efforts at playing, fumbling about, on Bass
Guitar and Keyboards. Well, we all had to
start somewhere. The Bass Guitar was built by Paul
Butler, Bass Guitarist in the 1970's local band
Set-up, Circa 1976
- Quick
Some months later,
in 1977, I acquired yet another Ferrograph
"Super Seven", type 7522HD, being a 1/2
track "Stereo" machine, with Dolby B noise reduction.
being an
"Ex-Demo" unit, from a
local Hi-Fi showroom, it had seen very little
use/abuse. Not designed to work at 15 ips with
Dolby "In", it needed a quick
"Fix" to overcome that small problem i.e
disabling the operation of a relay at 15 ips. I
also modified
the Ferrograph 7522HD to "Balanced" microphone
inputs with 48v phantom
power. It was now possible to go out and record on
location e.g. Brass Bands, Cinema / Fairground
Organs, Rock Groups etc. Back home, I was
track bouncing between both of the Ferrograph tape machines,
in stereo, via an ever growing homebrew Patch Bay and a
small TEAC
"Model 2" 6-2 mixer. The later item being on loan from a good friend,
and equipment reviewer, namely Mike Skeet. Upon
returning the TEAC 6-2, I purchased an MM
electronics MP175 16-2
mixer to keep me going. It was cheap, and
surprisingly cheerful .....
Set-up, Circa 1977
70's - On Reflection
This was a fairly
good start, but it
soon became apparent that I required better
quality equipment and more tracks. During the past few years, I
was still serving my apprenticeship at the GPO, now known as British
Telecom (BT), training to become part of the
engineering staff. Spending much time attending
Norwich City (Technical)
College. The company (BT) knew of my interest
in sound recording and approached me to transfer
an old "Post Office Telephones"
demonstration record to 1/4" tape, for use in
the local "Norwich Area" Telephone Museum.
The 78
rpm record, titled "Automatic Telephone
Tones", contained examples of tones, together
with an explanation of their meaning, that the
"Caller" could expect to hear when using
the telephone. The record required a considerable
amount of "Electronic" cleaning to
produce a satisfactory copy. Looking back, I still remember purchasing
first copy of "Studio Sound", back in
January 1975,
and reading the various articles during
lunch breaks. That year, 1975, I visited the APRS exhibition,
held in London. Needless to say, that I was totally amazed
at the equipment on display. Equally, it was blatantly
obvious, that the
items I
sought, were way out of my reach of my price
range, based on an BT "Apprentices"
wages !
80's - A New Era
majority of the equipment that I was to purchase, would
need to be sourced at secondhand prices. Indeed, much of it, such as the Ampex AG
440-8 multi-track recorder / Studer B62 mastering
recorder / 2 x Dolby A360 with Cat 22
(A type) / 2 x Dolby A361 with Cat 280 (SR type) Noise Reduction
modules / Amcron DC150A
Power Amplifier / Klark Teknik 11+11 S Graphic EQ and AKG BX15
"Spring" Reverb,
all purchased through local auctions or the sale of redundant
equipment by companies, such as the BBC and Decca,
etc. A suitable space / home, would need to be
found, so that I could fit the above equipment
into my recording environment. The requirement / need to build some solid 19" rack
units became a necessity. Needless to say, there were very many
hours spent making up suitable leads and cabling
the units to the ever "Expanding" patch-bay.
This was not a task that I enjoyed doing by any
means, being so repetitive and boring, but it's
one that has to be done.
Amplifier and EQ Rack
- Homemade units and Modifications
cost of purchasing "Outboard" units, such as Noise gates, Compressor limiters
and Delay / Double Tracking devices, would be quite considerable.
Therefore I decided to construct "Homemade" Clones of various models
available in that era, such as units from Rebis
Audio etc. My first project being a 19" rack
unit, containing 8 Noise Gates, which would help to keep
"Background" noise levels down during
mix-down. The Ampex 440-8 was quiet enough, but
the residual noise of my recording environment was
quite high e.g Aircraft and Motor vehicle noise. The
"Homemade" rack unit also contained the power supply for
the noise gates and other units. The mixer in use,
at this time, being the
weakest link by far, was my old MM 16-2. This was quickly modified with "In
House" designed (quieter) microphone pre-amps,
and later (1982) with direct channel
output's etc. However, for the time being, at
least I would be able to lay-down
"Clean" tracks. So the MM 16-2 did the job, just. The idea of building a
custom mixer seemed like the next sensible move.
After designing the circuitry required, I started
building the case /
framework, for a 24 input desk. Sadly, mainly due to
the lack of spare time, the project never saw
- Introduction to Valve Microphones
of the microphones were purchased through adverts
in Studio Sound and various other magazines of
that period. My very first purchase, of a valve
microphone, was an STC
4108, costing £30 at a
local Auction. Alas, the microphone did not have a
lead or power supply unit, but the original items were to be
found at another auction a year on ... strange,
but I was lucky to find them. Later, an AKG C28 costing
£75, complete with C29a (short) and C30a (long)
extension tubes. Then, probably
one of my best finds, a Neumann KM56 and M49, at
£50 each. You could not by a good dynamic
microphone for that price, yet alone a top flight
valve microphone. I knew at that time, that these were
good microphones, but I did not really appreciate
their true quality and value until some years
later. Although
they where not all in good working order, at those
prices it did not really matter. The sound quality
of my recordings changed completely. It was like
being in a different world, I was now able to
produce recordings "Approaching" a professional standard.
KM56, 4108 and C28
- Half speed
backing tracks
of the first recordings made, using the Ampex 8
track, was that of a local Singer / Songwriter
"Andy Lake". Andy, then working for
BT, was interested in
doing some recording, and I was keen to master the
art of using the Ampex. We were basically stacking
tracks. One of the tracks that Andy
recorded, was called "Italian Princess".
This was an instrumental track with an Italian feel to it.
Now ..... not having the luxury of a Balalaika, or
similar stringed instrument, we had to
find an alternative way to recreate that type of
sound. After some thought, I decided to record the
acoustic guitar at half speed. Andy would then
play the respective parts an octave below normal pitch,
whilst strumming / picking the guitar at double
the speed (relative to that of the half speed
backing tracks), not easy. Thus sounding similar
to that of a Balalaika, when played back at the correct
speed. Thanks to Andy's excellent guitar playing,
the effect worked surprisingly well.
KM56 used
during the recording of "Italian Princess"
- Radio One,
"John Peel" show
relation of the family, namely Alex de
Findlow, also a fellow BT engineer at the
time, was the
drummer in a local band called "Ju-Ju"
(Previously known as "The Flying Opticians").
The band required a suitable recording for the
BBC's, Radio One,
"John Peel" show So,
the four
piece band arrived one evening after work, and we recorded the track
"Keep out the light". At this time the MM
electronics 16-2 mixer did not have direct channel outputs and
therefore track laying on the Ampex was a bit
"Make do" to say the
least. I recall mixing the Drum Kit into a stereo
pair. With the Vocal and Saxophone parts being
sent to tape, via
separate auxiliary
sends. The Bass and Electric Guitars were DI fed
directly into the respective inputs of the Ampex. I listened eagerly to the
playback, on the John Peel show, only to
hear the first 5 seconds played at half-speed !
the band members in the control room
1982 - At long last .....
Although I was running on a small budget, I was
able to fill up my studio with some genuine
professional equipment. My trusty old Ferrograph's,
being used for delay and echo loops, with the
Studer B62 for Mastering, via Dolby A or SR if
required. The "Heavily Modified" MM
16-2 mixer now had direct channel outputs, being
interconnected to the Ampex 440-8 track via the
ever growing Patch
Bay. At
long last, I was in a situation to start some
"Serious" recording.
My first ambitious multi-track session, was that of a local band,
namely "Airbridge". I was very lucky to have
the good fortune to work with such a talented
group of musicians. Despite my lack of recording
skills, the session went very well and the recordings met with everybody's
satisfaction (as did my mothers "Famous" cheese
rolls and coffee). Many more recording sessions were to
follow, and I would have the privilege of working
with the likes of Derek
Cubitt, the late Derek
Warne and many others. Not forgetting the help and
assistance, from an excellent arranger / musician
/ teacher Phil
Brooke, whilst recording and mixing
many sessions for
Tony Palmer of "City Music" (Also
known as Anglian Music).
the "Recording
Sessions" page for further information.
Set-up, Circa 1982
"Biased" for minimum modulation noise
another "Ferrograph" turned up, at a
"Silly" price. This was one of the newer
"Logic 7" series i.e. basically the same
as the older "Super Seven" series, with
logic transport control and colour change. It was a
"Stereo" 1/2 track machine, high speed
version, being disposed
of by the BBC. The machine was in excellent
working / cosmetic order and only required a good
clean, head demag' and "Line-up". The recorder was
quickly sold to a local musician, who was setting
up a home studio. Like the rest of my analogue
tape machines, the Ferrograph Logic 7 was
"Biased" for minimum modulation noise
i.e. Record a very low frequency sine wave, say 5
Hz, and adjust the bias for minimum modulation
noise (a sort of fluffing noise). With a recorder "Biased" in this
fashion, the extreme HF might not be quite so good
as is practically possible, but in my opinion, the
"Clean / Solid" audio reproduced,
certainly makes up for it !
Logic 7
1984 - "Non-commercial"
"Private" studio (Bedroom) was hardly
big enough for the recording local "Rock
Groups/Bands" etc. I needed more space, to
fit the musicians and equipment, especially the
drum kit. Although recording many various artists
etc, I was running a "Non-commercial"
studio i.e. Making free recordings, whilst learning the skills of
recording. I
could not afford the costs of a purpose built
recording area, and therefore, the lounge would still
be used for this purpose. Cables from
microphones and DI boxes etc, draped through
the hallway between the lounge and bedroom. This
was far from an ideal situation. Tie-circuits were
needed to connect the lounge (Studio) to the
bedroom (Control Room). A collection of balanced
cables were used, being laced together into a neat
loam. These were run in hidden conduit, from the
lounge, up into the loft space and back down into
the bedroom. A pair of "Tannoy" HPD385's,
in brick enclosure's and being used for the Hi-Fi system, were
utilised for talkback/monitoring purposes.
box and one of the talkback speakers
80's - Cassette Duplication
now (mid 1980's) my "Facility" offered recording ...
right through to "Real-time"
cassette duplication. Something which was becoming
very popular in that era. Starting with just 20 "Yamaha
3-head" cassette decks (Slaves) and an Otari
MX-5050 2SH, 2Tk
"Stereo" tape machine (Master). I went on to acquire
30 Denon DR-M44HX, 3-head, (Slave)
cassette machines.
Giving me a total of 50 cassette decks in all. The
"Production Masters" for cassette
duplication, were now transferred to a Sony PCM F1
system. By utilizing a selection of "Recorded
Tones", generated via an "In house"
design/built "Black Box" interface, the F1
stereo analog audio tracks were now used as
the "Control tracks" for the Cassette recorder
transport functions, including "Eject".
The duplication system was fully automatic. All I
had to do, was load the cassettes and press
on the Sony PCM F1. If there was any audio
"Drop out", the system sounded an alarm
and automatically rewound all the cassettes back to the start.
Duplication area (Early)
1987 -
American Influence
of the many local artists, that I recorded for
Tony Palmer of "City Music", was that of "Budgie Coleman". A
very popular "Country" singer, known
throughout the length and breadth of the British
Isles, with a lifetime of entertainment under his
belt. Budgie regularly playing at the USAF bases,
here in Great Britain, and paling up with some of the American
bands / musicians. During the recording of Budgies
album, "I'll sing you a summer", Budgie called
on the assistance of such an
American "Country Rock" band, for some
session musicians, just to give the album that
American influence. The band in question being
"The Silver Eagle Band". After
Budgie's session work was completed, I asked the "The
Silver Eagle Band" if they had any of their
own songs that they would like to record. At that
time they had little or no material of their own.
However, one of the members of the band, namely
Dan Demay, wrote four songs that we recorded a
week or so later, for use as a Demonstration /
Promotion Cassette entitled "Blue
Jeans". It was great to hear the
American influence in Dan's writing and the bands
playing qualities. Deeply missed, enjoyable days .....
musicians were ..... PH, Mary and Dan
- Location Recording
was enjoying the benefits associated with the
1" 8 track format e.g. low noise, excellent
headroom, etc. If only I was able to go
out on location with the same format. So, I looked
around for a suitable recorder i.e. Brenell
Mini-8. I found a secondhand one with low head
wear, but alas not in very
good cosmetic/electrical condition. However, after much TLC, the
recorder was back in good running order again. Now
having two recorders of the same format, I was
able to make straight copies of my multi-track
masters ... quite useful. Now I required some form
of mixer, for use with the Brenell, and an old
MM 8-2 was soon found. This would need to be modified in
the same way as my studio mixer i.e. "In
House" designed (quieter) microphone pre-amps, with direct channel
output's etc.
However, the "Location" mixer would
the benefits of multi-way connectors, one for the
Brenell record/playback link and the other for the
microphone inputs to the mixer. The later being
connected to a stage box, via a suitable trailing
lead. So at last, a nice convenient and relatively
portable "Location" set-up, using the
1" 8 track format.
the "Recording
Sessions" page for further information.
Mini-8 recorder, Circa 1989
- - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
time ..... a financial point of view
ticked by, and it
was becoming quite obvious, that I was not going
to be able to operate my recording facility as a
business. The dreams that I had, would not be
turning into reality. There would be very little
return from the relatively high investment costs
that I had incurred. By this time, 1994, I had
purchased a Studer A80 mk2, 16 track, running at
15/30ips, together with an Allen & Heath "Saber"
24-16-2 desk. The Studer A80 is very clean sounding recorder, but I preferred
the sound of the Ampex 440-8. Less tracks and flexibility,
but the Ampex was the one for me. The Ampex is
great for recording, and capturing the feel, of
those "Ben Webster" style jazz sessions.
The Studer was short
lived and was sold after just 1 year.
As for the Allen & Heath desk, I never found
the "Sound" very "Useful".
Indeed, as sad as it might seem, I preferred the sound from my modified
MM electronics 16-2 mixer.
I was now
looking at all of this equipment from a financial
point of view, and the idea of cassette duplication
was the first side of the facility to be scraped,
with the majority of the cassette decks being sold
to a local musician, for use in their own
duplication set-up. However, I went on to purchase
a pair of Alesis ADAT recorders and a portable,
Casio DA-7, DAT
recorder. This up-to-date equipment was to see
very little use, just a few AV sessions etc, and my time in recording came to
a gentle halt. I would still keep the rest of the
recording equipment / musical instruments for my own
use, with the idea of recording my own material
- - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
already mentioned, many
of the microphones, and other equipment, were
purchased in an "Unknown Condition", this meant
that I would be required to spend plenty of time,
learning about the design and construction of the
"Non-working" units, which was to hold
me in good stead for the future. I suppose that
you could say my first
"Repair" job, was on my own "Very
sick" AKG
C28a. Not having any circuit diagrams, I had to
trace out the wiring and draw the circuit for the microphone/ PSU.
Being of simple design, this was an easy task. Using
my "Hand Drawn" circuit diagram, together with my knowledge in valve/semiconductor
electronics, that I had learnt during my GPO (BT) training, I was
soon able to find the fault and restore the unit
back to life.
an AKG C28a, with an C28c grill/mesh
"Reg' Williamson" connection
during 1985, I purchased an another AKG C28,
from a fellow colleague
at BT, namely the famous Reg'
Williamson. Well known and respected for his
many Hi-Fi related "Write-up's". Reg's
first venture into technical journalism, was an
article entitled "The design and
construction of a capacitor microphone",
published in the August 1959 edition of "Hi-Fi News"
. Sometime later, Reg' designed a capsule, for use
in an RF type microphone. The microphone being designed by
both Reg', and an associated friend, Peter Baxandall.
Description of the microphone, was given by Peter
Baxandall, in the Nov/Dec 1963 editions of
"Wireless World". All the capsules used by
Reg', were built from scratch i.e.
the raw materials were machined to the required
size etc and the gold foil, for the diaphragm, was
mounted and tensioned on a homemade jig.
Williamson, 1926 - 2009)
some of Reg's excellent HiFi
equipment designs.
together with the finished RF microphone.
back to my purchase of Reg's old AKG C28
valve microphone.
Along with the C28, associated PSU
and leads, I was also given a box of
"Goodies". It was like looking into "Aladdin's
Cave", this box included Reg's original Valve and RF type microphones, together with the relevant
paperwork/write-up. As can be seen from the recent
picture, taken in 2005, the microphones are still in good
cosmetic condition. After having been stored in my loft
for many years, and therefore exposed to a
somewhat "Cruel" environment, the
microphones had developed numerous faults.
However, after some TLC, I am pleased to say that
the microphones are now back in good
working order.
Reg's original
"Valve" (Upper) and "RF type" (Lower) microphones
of my most treasured possessions
There was also a
good supply of gold and aluminum foil, found in
this box of goodies, together with Reg's homemade
"Diaphragm Tensioning" jig. Of relatively
straightforward design, the jig is used to hold
the gold or aluminum foil in the correct location,
during the fitting and tensioning of a
"Condenser / Capacitor" capsule
diaphragm. The jig was somewhat worse for wear and
had a few screws missing, but after some tidying
up and TLC, the jig was to become one of my most treasured possessions. Enabling me to
refurbish many an old "Damaged" capsule
and to "Have a go" a building some
capsules of my own..
Tracking down suppliers of the foil is a problem,
but fortunately a roll lasts many years.
Capsule Jig,
used for "Diaphragm Fitting / Tensioning"
"Homebrew" valve microphone
to say, being a DIY fanatic, I was very temped to
build a valve microphone for my own use. I now had
all the suitable components and engineering tools
required, together with access to a suitable
lathe, to construct my own microphone. So I
found a suitably "Low Noise", wire ended
valve, and designed a circuit around it. The
design, used one
of Dr Sowter's excellent transformers, for the
valve out-put impedance/level matching. A home made capsule, to
one of Reg' Williamson's designs, was also used.
Looking like a "Slim" Neumann U47, the
microphone offered switchable Omni, Cardioid and
Fig'8 polar patterns. The
results were most impressive, and the unit is
still in good working order.
"Homebrew" valve microphone
to the AKG C28 ... Colin Clark
early 1991, my AKG C28 acquired from Reg'
Williamson, developed another fault. I contacted
AKG (UK) for some assistance in obtaining some
spare parts i.e. Output transformer. I spoke to
their service engineer of that time, namely Colin
Clark, who was very helpful and only too willing
to offer any advise that he could. Not only was
Colin a "Freelance Service Engineer", he
also ran his own business, that of "COLIN
CLARK Electronic Servicing" (Watford),
repairing all kinds of Audio and Electronic
equipment. A true genius at his work. Also being a
great "Believer" in the freedom offered
by Pirate Radio, such as that of "Radio
Caroline" etc.
Clark, 1949 - 2008)
Clark at his home in Ireland
by Dave Finn)
I be interested in servicing a Neumann ....
July of 1991, I recall contacting "Jackson
Music", re the purchase of some secondhand Neumann
valve microphones,
that they had placed in one of their advertisements. Whilst speaking with Malcolm
Jackson, I mentioned that I repaired microphones,
and would be prepared to purchase
"Faulty" units. Stating this fact, this was to be my first
break into the recording industry proper. Malcolm
went on to ask, if I would be interested in servicing a
Neumann Gefell UM57, that had a damaged capsule. I accepted the
challenge, and successfully repaired the UM57. Apparently, my name/contact
details were then passed on to various
other people, and organizations, within the sound
recording industry. "Thank you" Malcolm.
Outside/Inside a Neumann Gefell UM57
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Mid-life crisis or just time for a change ?
days at BT were now numbered, technology had moved
on, and there was very little "Hands On"
any more. It was 1992 and BT, like many other
companies, where cutting down on
staffing levels, voluntary redundancy seemed an
ideal way to leave the company.
idea of being "Semi-retired", seemed an
ideal situation. If I could earn just enough extra
to "Keep my head above water", then that
would be fine ..... I
was soon to discover, that being "Self
Employed" is no easy game, especially if you
are working in a minority market. However, the importance of "Earning a salary", was
not the reason why I started repairing valve
microphones. I enjoy the work, and for me, that is
the most important aspect !
Indeed, any work that I
was to receive, turned out to be quite scarce. It
would be many years until I was able to actually
"Earn" any income from my new career. Thank goodness for my redundancy payout .....
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As yet, I had no
requirement for a PC, other then that of a small "BBC Micro
Computer", that was used purely for word processing.
Again, this was an item purchased some years
previous, from my good friend Bernard
So, I set out to write some suitable software, for
the BBC Micro, enabling me to satisfy the "Records and
Invoicing" data handling, that would be
required. This was quite a tiresome task, but one
that proved to be very helpful in different ways.
It enabled me to learn more about programming the
BBC and also, allowing me to "Customize"
my own software. Although the BBC Micro is a very
"Basic" machine, no pun intended, it allowed me to do all
the "Jobs" that I asked of it. A great
little "Work Horse", if ever there was.
BBC "Micro"
From day one, again
through my experience and knowledge gained whilst at BT, I was
determined to keep accurate
records of all work carried out, together with
details of the serial numbers for
microphones/PSU's etc. Not forgetting to
keep/generate serial numbers the expensive
components like valves and capsules. This has proven to be very helpful in
very many ways e.g. I had just fitted a new
capsule in a U87, for a London based hire company.
The next client, who hired the U87, complained to
the hire company, about a noise problem. When I received the U87,
back for further inspection, the new capsule that I had only just recently
fitted, was not the capsule in the microphone i.e
it had a different Serial number. So somebody,
somewhere down the line, had taken out the new
capsule and replaced it with an old faulty unit !
of "Serial Number" marking on a Neumann
type capsule
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Big Move .....
"Sunset" over
in the "Early Morning Mist"
In 1998 I
moved away from Norfolk, my home for the past 42
years, and moved everything to Leicestershire.
A fresh start, right in the center of
Gt. Britain.
My trustworthy Vauxhall
"Carlton" estate being the only
means of transportation for all of the equipment
and clutter that I collected over the years .....
an excellent workhorse with just so much room.
like dear old Norfolk, the Carlton is now (2008)
also history. As with most motor
vehicles, it finally started turning into
"Metal Oxide". A material not even
required as part of a recording media these days !
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change ..... Winding Down
2001, I decided to take pen-to-paper. Writing
articles on valve microphones and other equipment
etc. Some articles appeared in the now much missed
"Studio Sound", and excellent successor "Resolution".
Of course, looking back
to the 1990's, there was so much more happening in the
world of professional recording, then there is today. Now, with the
age of the "Home Studio", which is most
probably based around a
PC of some kind, there are less services asked of the pro-studios and hire companies. If you
require a particular microphone or piece of
outboard equipment, then you just use a suitable
"Plug in" and away you go. Yes, this is
an excellent
way in achieving the sound you are striving
for. However, at the end of the day, you cannot better
the "Genuine"
equipment for the job, and for
many musicians/engineers, "Thank
goodness", this is still the case.
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End of an era ..... Time
to start the next chapter in my life
2000, there has been far less work coming in, and
with major changes in personal circumstances
(2014), then the path I take has to change also.
So, after many hundreds of repairs etc, I now need
to take on a new and quite different role in life.
Hence the end of an era. Throughout
the years I have worked on much equipment .
Every now and then a really "Difficult to
diagnose" fault would come along. On some
such occasions, the faulty item might be put to
one side for a while and come
back to at a later date, enabling me to take a fresh look
at the problem. I appreciated that this extra
elapsed time was much to the annoyance
of some of my clients. I say "Thank you", to those
clients with the patience that was required on
such occasions.
things carry on .....
trust that my vast stock of the RV-14m (replacement valve for the
VF14) will still be
available for many decades to come. The
U47 and U48 are great microphones, like many other
classic models, and should be
kept working for as long as is practically possible.
products, such as the Missing Link PSU's and the PCL3
- "Phantom Conversion Lead" for the
Calrec 600 series microphones, will be available until stocks
are depleted. Most other products were hand built
to special order. Thus now un-available.
"Take Two" sales list will continue for
as long as is required. Much of my own personal
recording equipment, from my private collection, being placed on the list in due cause.
Such as valves, valve microphones and vintage
hi-fi equipment etc.
aspects of the website will be up-dated as
the "Tasks" in my new lifestyle, it's
time for another cup of coffee and transfer more
of my old recordings to CD. Re-mixing/Re-mastering
as and when needed. With the intension to release
some of the more interesting recordings at a
future date.
goodness I kept the majority of tape recorders that I
used over the years (Many formats on Cassette/Reel
to Reel//Digital etc). Just a shame about the
aging process of the recording media e.g. Sticky
Oxide on certain makes of recording tape, not
forgetting the
physical space required to store the recording
to dear old Norfolk to retire !
spending 21 years in Leicestershire, it was in
August 2019 that I (together with Ann) moved back
to the county of my birth, dear old Norfolk, now
living in a chalet bungalow just half a mile from
where I had lived for the first 42 years of my
life. All belongings being transported either in
the old Passat Estate, with longer items such as
the M&GN "North Walsham" Town
railway station sign, carried on the roof rack.
All other items were transported in my Mercedes
Citan van. Many journeys were needed, around 40,
each being 250 mile round trips. On some days, two
return trips were made. Still, all done and dusted
as they say, with all my original recordings (many
different formats including Betamax PCM etc) kept
together with the original tape machines used at
that time. That is a heck of a lot of equipment
and tape to keep, and to find storage for !
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when I have the time to do it and now having very
little of my original equipment left, I'll return to the
world of recording. Ideally, to my first love in
music ..... smooth, cool and laidback jazz. Alas
however, time ticks by ever faster ..... "Time
is now, but alas it was, for now time is present,
and not what it was"
A. C. Styles
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